Welcome to our X-D app.
The X-D-E-P-O-T is a new space for Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum. Over 600 objects from various decades and countries and without a traditional canon are presented here together to provide new perspectives. What is the same material that connects a bathtub with a chair and a bicycle? What is the common color of a drone, a first aid kit or a rocking horse? What is the ideal shape for a television, a teapot and a vacuum cleaner? And what objects can be found under the themes of wickerwork or sustainability, gaming or protection?
We hope you enjoy and have many opportunities to experience, explore or exchange ideas about the X-D-E-P-O-T.

The X-D-E-P-O-T is a place to discover, explore and experience with all your senses. With more than 600 objects dating from various decades and originating in different countries, Die Neue Sammlung - The Design Museum is showcasing a wide selection from its large inventory.
Its architecture is characterized by floor-to-ceiling industrial shelving and a bridge construction. This second level allows for a large number of new perspectives. A total of 40 clusters of topics have been created around the subjects of materials, shapes and colors, of design categories, the styles of eras or around current discourses. The vertical elements of the architecture separate the subjects from one another, whereas the uppermost horizontal ones link groups of objects with one another. The composition of the design objects invites viewers to make their own loose associations.
The X-D-E-P-O-T is a special exhibition room
in our museum.
Here you can discover and explore things
and experience them with all your senses.
You can simply linger here.
You can discover how different things
are related to each other.
You can also talk about them
with other visitors.
Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum has many objects
from different themes.
But we can only show a few of them
in the large permanent exhibition.
That is why the X-D-E-P-O-T was created.
Here you will find over 600 objects.
The objects are very different.
They come from different times
and from different countries.
In the exhibition room, there are shelves
that reach up to the ceiling.
There are 40 themes.
Each object in a shelf is assigned to a theme.
The material, shape, colours or style
always match a theme.
All objects that are directly above each other in the shelf
belong to one theme.
So there are different themes,
which are arranged in the shelves from top to bottom.
All objects in the top of the shelves belong to one object group.
They are arranged from left to right.
The arrangement of the objects should encourage you
to make your own thoughts about the objects.